За жалост - не може, до колкото знам.
Ако процесът е стартирал като притежаван от root, тогава може вътрешно да си промени ownership ако има права - setuid(2)
Виж: man setuid
man steuid
man setguid
Обаче, в по-общия случай, sorry!
Ако имаш root или sudo привилегии - защо не го килнеш и рестартираш после от свое име ако искаш?
"No process can change the User ID of another process."
Ето какво пише и в Unix/linux нюзгрупите:
Re: Changing process ownership at runtime
fox@barak.net.il wrote:
> Is it possible to change process ownership after it's execution ?
The process can change its own real and effective user ID by calling the setuid(2) and seteuid(2) system calls if it has the necessary rights.
No process can change the user ID of another process.
Laurenz Albe
In article <436b3ced$1@news.barak.net.il>,
fox@barak.net.il says...
> Is it possible to change process ownership after it's execution ?
A process may change ownership itself if it has authority to do. This mainly means being root. Check the setuid() call. AFAIK you cannot force a change of ownership on a process.
Simon Marchese